

Let's begin with the home view, that is the initial view of our app. In this view we are going to show the most relevant options of the dashboard. Each option, that will be represented by a small circle (z-spot) allows us to zoom-in to another view.


To start with, go to /src/views folder, open our home.vue file and replace the previous code with the following one:

  <z-view label="zircle demo" label-pos="bottom">
  11:53 PM
  Monday, Oct.
  Outside 29˚C, sunny
  Inside 25˚C
    <div slot="extension">
      <!-- status monitor -->
        style="background-color: orange; border-width: 4px; border-color: var(--background-color);"
        <i style="color: var( --accent-text-color)" class="fas fa-bell"></i><br>
        <span style="color: var( --accent-text-color)">15</span>
      <!-- family-->
        <i class="fas fa-map-marker-alt"></i>
      <!-- scenes-->
      <!-- rooms-->
      <!-- devices-->
      <!-- settings-->
        <i class="fas fa-sliders-h"></i>

What the code does

As you may noticed the code seems to be verbose and repetitive. That's true. In this view is intended, but in the following views we are going to use v-for to optimize the code.


Always you define a view you have to use z-view as the main component. This is will be the main circle on the screen.

  • Label prop: We use the label property to add a title to the view: "Smart Home Dashboard".

  • Size prop: By design, z-view adopts the largest diameter available in zircle-ui. However, depending on your needs you can use the property size and choose any of the possible values:

    • xxl
    • xl
    • l or large
    • m or medium
    • s or small
    • xs
    • xxs
  • Default slot: As you see there is some content that appears inside the z-view container. This content is catched by a vue slot.default. In this case we put a welcome message with some mocked data: current time, outside and inside temperature and the current active scene. You can learn more about slots on the official Vue documentation.

  • Extension slot: After that, we nest some zircle-ui components in z-view using the z-viewslot.extension. In this case we create a wrapper using a div element with the slot.extension and inside it we put several z-spot. In case you have just on zircle-ui component to nest in, you can add slot="extension" in the zircle component. For example:

  <z-spot slot="extension">


As you see, each z-spot has its own properties: angle, distance, size, to-view, label, label-pos.

  • Angle prop:angle and distance toghether allow us to positionate the z-spot. The angle value could be any number between 0 and 360 (negatives values are accepted too). By default, the angle is '0'. At the begining it may take some effort to understand which angle choose. The following diagram may help you:
  • Distance prop: The property distance measures the percentaje of distance of the parent component (in this case z-view). All our z-spots have a value of '120'. That it means that the center of the z-spot will be at 120% of distance of the center of z-view. If you don't specify the property distance, the value by default will be '100'.

  • Size prop:size is another important property. It represents the diameter of the z-spot. As zircle-ui is responsive, we can't specify a numerical value. Instead the values are:

    • xxl
    • xl
    • l or large
    • m or medium
    • s or small
    • xs
    • xxs

By default, the size of z-spot is medium.

  • toView prop:to-view is the property that allow us to go to another defined view. It is a kind of link. In this view we have defined some to-view with the name of views that we are going to create soon. Please take note that to-view also accepts params and and works seamless with vue-router (if you use it). You can learn more about to-viewin the documentation.

  • Label prop:label allows us to add titles to z-spot. Very usefull if you use z-spot with small sizes (Equal or lower than medium).

  • LabelPos prop: You can positionate your labels with the label-pos property. The options are top, left, bottom (default), right

CSS Styles

In some z-spot we used a style attributte to customize its appearence. Although, you can add whatever css style you desire, there are some very usefull: border-color, background-color and color. You can put the color you want or use the css variables provided by zircle-ui

For other projects you can use a class attributte as well

That's all. Save the home.vue file and check your browser.
