
We have already done the setup of our app and created a mockup screen with a welcome message. Now it's time to create more interesting views to get familiar about how to use zircle-ui. Each view has some zircle-ui features that you may use in other zircle's projects.

During this section you will note that some code is not directly related with zircle-ui itself, but to vue and its logic.


  • Home: Although we have already created this initial view, here we are going to enriched it! The idea is to understand how to build a zircle-ui view and organice its components. We'll learn how to use z-view components to define the main circle of the screen and z-spot to create some buttons and view controllers.

  • Settings: In this view we are going to include a z-spot component running as button. We'll add a vue v-for directive to render a list of visual themes that comes with zircle-ui. Also, we'll learn how to use some zircle-ui actions to set and retrieve themes.

  • Scenes: Here we'll create some scenes (day, night, at home, away) to simulate how our app controls the devices. We'll learn how to interact with a circular slider of z-view and some z-spots buttons.

  • Family: This view shows the location of the family members in a leaflet.js map. We'll learn how to integrate three-party libraries into zircle-ui using the of z-view.

  • Rooms: This view display the list of rooms of our home. We'll learn how to use z-list component and to customize the items. Also, we are going to use the z-dialog component.

  • Living room: This view simulates the devices present in the living-room. Here we'll learn how to customize z-view and to use z-spot as a circular knob to control the temperature of the air conditioner. Also, we are going to set up some scenes to control de devices.