

This view displays the list of rooms of our home. Here we will learn how to use z-list component. Also, we are going to learn how to pass parameters to new view using to-view property. Finally we will se how to use z-dialog


Create a rooms.vue file inside the views folder and paste the following code:

    <section slot="extension">
          <z-spot slot="extension"
            style="background-color: red; border: none;"
        @click.native="openDialog = true">
          <i class="fas fa-plus"></i>
      <z-dialog v-if="openDialog" self-close v-on:done="openDialog = false">
        Are your sure?
        <div slot=extension>
          @click.native="openDialog = false">
            <i class="fas fa-check"></i>
          @click.native="openDialog = false">
            <i class="fas fa-times"></i>
export default {
  data () {
    return {
      rooms: [
        {name: 'Living', devices: 6, image: './living.jpg'},
        {name: 'Bedroom', devices: 2, status: 'alert'},
        {name: 'Kitchen', devices: 5},
        {name: 'Studio', devices: 1},
        {name: 'Bath', devices: 1}

What the code does


As usual we start with z-view. Inside it we place tha z-list component using slot extension.


In this view we are using for first time the z-list component, that is usefull when you need to show a list of items.

You have to populate the property collection with an array of elements and define how many items per page you want to show using the property per-page.

z-list has two properties list, that is populated with an array of items (rooms), and perPage that defines the number of items dispalyed in each 'page'. By default perPage is set to show 5 items.

When the items are larger than a page the child component z-list-pagination is activated showing a dot navigation at the botton of the z-list

<z-list> uses scoped slots to customize the template of each item. When you click or touch an item, a new view is called showing its details.


Inside z-list we use again our flexible z-spot to show each room. There are four things to highlight:

  • No angle is needed because is calculated automatically.

  • We must use slot-scope vue feature.

  • we have to use the z-spotindex prop.

  • In this example, we are passing an object with params in the toView prop.

  • toView property: It is possible to define a view to go for each item. To achieve that you need to use the property toView. We've already seen you can define a new view using just a string with the view name or you can pass params using an object.

In case you pass paramszircle-ui allows to catch the params given using the zircle-ui action getParams() in your new view.

  • image-path prop: we use for first time the image-path prop. Alternatively, we can use an image slot. In those cases the image will be treated as a background.


It is time to learn z-dialog. This component will show a modal dialog when is activated. It has a self-close property that will close the dialog after a certain time. Here we use it to simulate a modal confirming the action of add a new room.

z-dialog will be rendered in case the variable opendialog is true. As we use the property selfColse, the dialog will closed after a few seconds or when the user press any of the buttons.
