

In this view we are going to include a z-spot component running as button. We'll add a vue v-for directive to render a list of visual themes that comes with zircle-ui. Also, we'll learn how to use some zircle-ui actions to set and retrieve themes.


As we did with home view we need to create a settings.vue file inside the views folder and paste the following code:

  <z-view label="Settings">
  {{ theme }}
    <div slot="extension">
        v-for="(el, index) in elements"
        :class="$zircle.getTheme() === 'theme-' + el.label ||
        $zircle.getThemeMode() === 'mode-' + el.label ? 'accent' : ''"
export default {
  data () {
    return {
      theme: 'Select your theme',
      elements: [
        {type: 'theme', angle: -50, label: 'blue', labelPos: 'right'},
        {type: 'theme', angle: -30, label: 'black', labelPos: 'right'},
        {type: 'theme', angle: -10, label: 'green', labelPos: 'right'},
        {type: 'theme', angle: 10, label: 'red', labelPos: 'right'},
        {type: 'theme', angle: 30, label: 'light-blue', labelPos: 'right'},
        {type: 'theme', angle: 50, label: 'gray', labelPos: 'right'},
        {type: 'mode', angle: 210, label: 'dark', labelPos: 'left'},
        {type: 'mode', angle: 190, label: 'dark-filled', labelPos: 'left'},
        {type: 'mode', angle: 170, label: 'light', labelPos: 'left'},
        {type: 'mode', angle: 150, label: 'light-filled', labelPos: 'left'}
  methods: {
    changeStyle (el) {
      el.type === 'theme' ?
      this.$zircle.config({style: {theme: el.label}}) :
      this.$zircle.config({style: {mode: el.label}})
      var theme = this.$zircle.getTheme().split('theme-')[1]
      var mode = this.$zircle.getThemeMode().split('mode-')[1]
      this.theme = `The theme is ${theme} ${mode}`

What the code does

In this view we have a more compact code because we use z-spot with v-for to iterate over a list of themes. Here we will render a list of themes and modes that comes with zircle. For these, we use several z-spot running as buttons.


  • As usual, we add a z-view component inside <template> tag with the label property 'Settings'. As main content we add the variable 'theme' between curling braces.

  • Inside z-view we create a div with the slot name extension and inside it we use a z-spot with the Vue v-for.


For this view, some z-spot properties will be the same accross all the items. For this reason, we define some of them: button, distance and size.

  • button prop: Here we use for first time the button property. This prop tells z-spot that it will acts as a button. button is the shorthand of button = "true". Also, take note that in Vue when using numbers you have to put ':' to avoid the data being interpreted as string.


  <!-- ... -->
  <!-- ... -->
  • v-for directive: To perform the iteration of z-spots we use an a array of objects named elements with the rest of the z-spot properties that are dynamics: angle, label, and labelPos
elements: [
  { type: 'theme', angle: -45, label: 'blue', labelPos: 'right'},

After that, we connect this data with the remain properties.


  v-for="el in elements" 
  /* ... */
  /* ... */
  • changeStyle() method: Finally, we link the Vue method "changeStyle()" into a Vue event@click.native to allow themes to be changed.


  /* ... */

The method changeStyle() is in charge of modify the configuration of the zircle app based of the data type we have defined in elements. The method invoke the zircle action config and modify the style app with the theme or mode chosen. For more detailed information about this action see.

CSS Class

As a bonus, we define a dynamic css class to set the button active when it matches the current theme or theme mode.


  :class="$zircle.getTheme() === 'theme-' + el.label || $zircle.getThemeMode() === 'mode-' + el.label ? 'accent' : ''"

To achieve that we use two zircle actions: $zircle.getTheme() and $zircle.getThemeMode(). This actions retrieve the current active theme and theme mode.

  • That's all. Save it and check your browser.
